Funny Legolas Lord of the Rings Animal Pictures

See too Valar animals.

This is a list of the animals of Arda.

"For all living things that are or have been in the Kingdom of Arda, save only the cruel and evil creatures of Melkor, lived then in the land of Aman; and at that place besides were many other creatures that have non been seen upon Eye-earth, and perhaps never at present shall exist, since the style of the world was changed."
Of Eldamar and the Princes of the Eldalië

Familiar animals

Land animals

A annoy as seen in LOTR RPG

Badgers were mammals that dwelt in Middle-earth. They were known in the northward as being excellent hole-diggers. A mysterious and supposedly legendary race of Badgers, the "Badger folk", are mentioned in Hobbit verse in The Adventures of Tom Bombadil. The poem describes Tom being captured by their leader, named Badger-brock, and later on being released after frightening them with one of his magical chants.

While passing through Moria, Samwise Gamgee commented "There must have been a mighty crowd of Dwarves hither at once and every one of them busier than badgers for five hundred years to brand all this, and almost in hard rock too!''

Portrayal in adaptations

Video games

In Center-earth Role Playing, Badgers live throughout Rhovanion. In the Lord of the Rings Roleplaying Game, they are found in the Shire and across Eriador.

"I should say at that place were petty bears, large bears, ordinary bears, and gigantic big bears, all dancing exterior from dark to nearly dawn."
Gandalf, while at the house of Beorn

Bears were large and ferocious animals of Middle-earth. They apparently could communicate with the Beornings (who could announced in the form of either Men or Bears), as it is stated that Beorn, when in comport shape, could speak "the tongue of bears". This likewise implies that bears had their own language. They were big, hulking, furry quadrupeds (yet, they could stand on their hind legs to intimidate enemies) who were natural hunters. They had sensitive eyes, and long snouts with sensitive noses and huge fanged mouths.

Bears were native to Wilderland, between the Misty Mountains and Mirkwood, where they thrived by hunting. However; they were not carnivores, as was demonstrated by their dearest of love. As the bees of Wilderland were at to the lowest degree twice equally big equally boilerplate bees, the bears were jump to accept tough leathery peel, either as a natural attribute or from adaptation to bee stings.

At least some of the bears were allies of the Beornings, equally was demonstrated when a pack of bears assisted Beorn in the hunting of a pack of Warg-Riders from Goblin-boondocks, but Beorn as well gave reference to "Wicked bears", in that wicked bears were most likely allies of the Wargs and Orcs of Wilderland. Since bears had their own language, and could be classified as adept or evil, they were ostensibly sentient to at least some degree.

Boars were wild pigs that roamed Middle-globe. They had swell tusks that they would use for a weapon.

Dáin'south boar in The Hobbit accommodation

The most famous boar in Middle-earth was the great Boar of Everholt living in the Firien Wood. It was hunted by Folca, the King of Rohan who eventually killed information technology simply was mortally wounded past the great beast himself.[i]

Portrayal in adaptations

In Peter Jackson's The Hobbit motion-picture show trilogy, Dáin II Ironfoot arrived at the prelude of the Boxing of Five Armies astride a large boar.[2]

Cats were small, four-legged animals that lived in Arda. They were often used as companions and pets by the Hobbits and Bree-folk.[3] [4] Equally they were keen-sighted[5] and active,[six] some cats were used for hunting[7] and spying.[viii]

Cats of Berúthiel

During the Third Age, Queen Berúthiel of Gondor kept nine black cats and one white true cat. The black cats spied on the Men of Gondor, but failed to hide the fact that they were spying. On the other manus, the white cat was ordered to spy on the black cats and did a better work than them, every bit the black cats never institute out that they were being watched. When Berúthiel was exiled from Gondor, her black cats accompanied her.[5] [8]


Dogs were four-legged beasts, which were ordinarily domesticated in Middle-globe. They were closely related to wolves and Werewolves.

[citation needed]

During the Third Age, Beorn had several dogs who could walk on their hind legs, and carry things with their forelegs. They could set the tabular array, and were capable of speech communication.[ix] Farmer Maggot kept 3 dogs, Grip, Fang and Wolf, to guard his farm.[10]

The greatest hound of the First Age was Huan, one time a companion of Celegorm and afterward the companion of Lúthien. He was a sentient being capable of speech.[11]


Foxes were four legged wild canines that lived near the wood and wilds surrounding the outskirts of the Shire. They were not known to be menacing, and probably avoided Men and Hobbits.

The about famous of the mention of foxes was when they approached the company of Hobbits as they slept in the woods after they left the Shire. It was narrated of how the fox thought information technology was very queer to see Hobbits asleep in the woods, just the flim-flam didn't stay to find out anything more than.[12] This play a trick on seems to have possessed sentience, although it's not articulate if all foxes in Centre-earth did, and this may have but been personification. Afterwards, the Hobbits run into some other flim-flam, although it is unlikely that this is the same one they had seen in the woods.



Wolves were 4-legged, carnivorous canines who lived in Arda since the Outset Age. There were many subspecies in Eye-world - autonomously from the original Gray Wolves, these groups included the White Wolves, Dogs, Werewolves, and Wargs. The White Wolves were a mysterious race of unknown origin who inhabited the frozen Northern lands and might take been neutral.

Dogs were domesticated from Grayness Wolves. Werewolves were bred from Gray Wolves inhabited by demons and were minions of the Dark Powers.

Wolves, similar many other animals in Arda (Crows, Bats, burden beasts, Mumakil, etc.) had nothing to do naturally with forces of darkness only served information technology at varying points throughout the Ages. Carcharoth, Draugluin, and the other evil wolves of the First Age were normal wolves possessed past Morgoth's ability, and the Wargs may have been descended from them.[13]

Because of their foreign relationship with the Night Powers, Information technology is unknown whether wolves were created just equally the other Middle-globe beasts were created, or if they were created past Morgoth. If they were created by Morgoth, they were probably the to the lowest degree evil of his creations. During the First Age, the only known time they fought for Morgoth was During the War of Wrath, in which most of the wolves were slain, but a few survived and fled to condom. During the third age, the wolves that lived in Angmar pledged loyalty to The Witch-king. It is besides unknown if they chose to bring together the armies of Angmar, or if they were forced to confronting their will. They fought in many battles against Arnor and presumably continued to thrive in Angmar later on its final defeat.

A deer

Deer were four-legged beasts that inhabited Middle-earth - mentioned in The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Deer were hunted for food by the peoples of Center-earth salve for the Beorning who did not eat meat.[14] Deer came in different coats, including cherry[15] and white.[16]

In The Hobbit deer were common beasts of burden of the Elves.

Deer were loved past the Vala Nessa, and they would follow her everywhere.[17]

While traversing Mirkwood, Thorin and Company came upon a leaping deer. They saw some other deer in the forest, white as snow. The Dwarves began shooting at it until they spent their last arrows. The deer vanished afterwards.[16]

Portrayal in adaptations

In Peter Jackson's The Hobbit movie trilogy, Thranduil's elk(southward) appeared as the steed of Thranduil.[18]

Main article: Horses

Horses were large, quadrupedal animals commonly used by Elves and Men every bit a means of transportation. They, and ponies, their smaller, closely related cousins, were used throughout Middle-earth from the First Age onward.

Gollum eating a Rabbit in the films

Rabbits, also known as hares, or conies by Hobbits, were small, fatty animals which lived throughout Middle-world. Rabbits were hunted for nutrient by the peoples of Middle-globe, usually when traveling and not as butchers cuts, save for the Beornings who did not consume meat.[xiv]

Portrayal in adaptations

Coney stew in the films

In Peter Jackson's movie The Two Towers, a brace of rabbits were caught past Gollum merely earlier a force of Haradrim walked through the state with an Oliphaunt, merely then are and then cooked by Sam in a stew, which angered Gollum.

In the The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journeying, Radagast'due south sled is pulled by a foreign, large brood of rabbits from Rhosgobel, called "Rhosgobel Rabbits" by the wizard, which were fast enough to outrun Wolves from Gundabad and also Wargs.

Flying animals

Bats in The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

Bats were big flying creatures that roamed in the forests of Middle-earth.

Most bats were part of the forest's ecosystem, still, some bats were bred from darkness and variants of vampires and were known for their service to the forces of Darkness. Bats sided with the Orcs and Wargs in the Battle of 5 Armies, during which they flew so thickly across the sky that the sunlight was blotted out.

In the First Historic period, the smashing bat Thuringwethil was Sauron's messenger and took the form of a giant bat with groovy fingered wings.[19] It is non recorded whether the beast was sapient or not. As Bilbo and the Dwarves marched through Mirkwood they gave upwardly lighting fires at night because they attracted thousands of moths, followed by huge black bats.


Cave-bats in BFME 2

In Gnomish, ane of Tolkien's early conceptions of an Elven language, the word for "bat" is cwildred.[twenty]

Portrayal in adaptations

Peter Jackson's The Hobbit Trilogy

  • In The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, giant bats chase Radagast the Brown later on he encounters the Necromancer at Dol Guldur.


  • A larger grade, the Cave bats, were seen as part of the Goblin faction in the The Lord of the Rings: The Boxing for Middle-earth II.
  • In The Lord of the Rings Online, bats are plant in caves throughout Middle-globe, specially in Moria. They are frequently the pets of the Merrevail.

Giant Bats from Games Workshop

Games Workshop

  • Behemothic Bats are a unit in the "Misty Mountains" faction of the The Lord of the Rings Strategy Boxing Game.

[citation needed]

Birds were commonplace creatures of the world of Arda gifted with the power to fly.

They were of the Kelvar and created during the Leap of Arda.

Most just not all birds were non-sapient.

[citation needed]

Birds of Middle-earth

  • The groovy Eagles who nested on Thangorodrim and later on the Crissaegrim during the First Age in Beleriand. They are messengers of Manwë and were probably regarded as the highest of all birds.
  • Thrushes and Ravens who nested virtually the Lone Mountain.
  • Crebain - Servants of darkness that came from Dunland.
  • Hawks were large birds that roamed Middle-globe. As the Fellowship of the Ring was being spied upon past the Crebain, a alone militarist was also thought of as being a watcher of the enemy, meaning that Saruman may have used hawks as spies besides.

Birds of Númenor

  • Kirinki - minor birds with very high voices

Birds of the Valar

  • Swans of Ulmo
  • Nightingales

Named sapient birds


  • Thorondor
  • Gwaihir
  • Meneldor
  • Landroval


  • Carc
  • Roäc

Aquatic animals

Cetaceans and pinnipeds were known to inhabit Arda. Notable individuals include such as Uin and Ulmo's servants.

Fish in the New Line Movie theatre Moving picture

Fish were animals of rivers, springs, lakes, and the Bully Sea. They were often hunted for food, as in the case of Gollum. As opposed to Gollum (who ate raw fish), Hobbits (specifically Samwise Gamgee) preferred cooked fish.[21]

After being captured by Faramir and the Rangers of Ithilien, Frodo Baggins and Samwise Gamgee watched every bit Gollum hunted for fish in the Forbidden Pool. Gollum referred to fish as "juicy sugariness".[21]

Invented animals


Crebain were large species of crow which were native to Dunland and Fangorn Wood. Singular class is craban.

Great Eagles served as messengers of Manwë Súlimo.

The Kine of Araw were a blazon of wild ox that lived near the Body of water of Rhûn.

Kirinki was a bird native to Númenor.

Mearas was the name given to an exceptional race of horses.[19]

Mûmakil, also known as Oliphaunts, were enormous elephant-like creatures used by the Haradrim.

Evil creatures

Dragons were creatures created by Morgoth.

Fell beasts, also known as Hell-Hawks and Nazgûl-birds, were winged creatures ridden by the Nazgûl.

Peachy Spiders dwelt in the northern part of Mirkwood.

Wargs, being natural allies of the Dark Powers, were a race of large, intelligent simply aggressive, wolf-like creatures who worked for and alongside Orcs on many occasions. They were most probable descendants of the Werewolves.



Wolf-Sauron was the name given to the dreadful wolf-shape that Sauron took when he went from Tol-in-Gaurhoth ("Island of Werewolves") to do battle with Huan, the Hound of Valinor.

According to prophecy, Huan would not dice until he had encountered the greatest of all wolves, so Sauron contrived to have on that part and defeat the hound. He failed, as the greatest of all wolves was not Wolf-Sauron, simply Carcharoth ofAngband, and through Lúthien'due south magic and Huan's valour Sauron was defeated. Surrendering his tower on Tol-in-Gaurhoth, he fled in the form of a vampire into the woods of Dorthonion, and was not seen again until after the War of Wrath.[eleven]

Portrayal in adaptations

The Fellowship of the Ring, in the book, was attacked by a pack of wild wolves the nighttime after they came downwardly from Caradhras. Gandalf, who addressed the first wolf to set on as "Hounds of Sauron" said after the fight was over, that the wolves weren't ordinary wolves because there were no bodies left nor any sign of the wolves at all. During the time of the War of the Ring, Saruman kept some wolves in Isengard. Likewise Gandalf sees Saruman'southward wolves while he is Saruman'southward prisoner at Orthanc.

In Peter Jackson'due south film trilogy, Wargs are present in The 2 Towers. They attack the fleeing citizens of Edoras as they make for Helm's Deep, killing several soldiers of Rohan's minor regular army earlier returning to Isengard. This attack merely happens in the movie and is not used in the book.

Video games

The Shade of the Wolf in BFME II, ROTWK

In The Lord of the Rings: The Battle for Middle-world Ii: The Ascension of the Witch-king there are Dire wolves in the Angmar faction.

In addition, the Angmar faction too includes the Shade of the Wolf ability that summons a werewolf ghost to the field.

"Prince of Cats"


In before concepts in the legendarium, Tevildo was the Prince of Cats and the demonic servant of Melko. He took the class of a smashing black cat with a neckband of gilt. His character eventually became Sauron.[22] He is treated as a dissever graphic symbol from Sauron in Beren and Lúthien .

External links

  • List of Center-earth animals on EverybodyWiki
  • Alphabetize:Fauna of Arda on Tolkien Gateway
  • Animals on Heart-world Role Playing Wiki


  1. The Lord of the Rings, Appendix A: Annals of the Kings and Rulers, II: The Business firm of Eorl
  2. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
  3. The Hobbit, Affiliate V: "Riddles in the Night"
  4. The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, Volume One, Affiliate Ix: "At the Sign of the Prancing Pony"
  5. 5.0 v.ane The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring, Volume Two, Affiliate 4: "A Journeying in the Night"
  6. The Lord of the Rings, The 2 Towers, Book Four, Affiliate Viii: "The Stairs of Cirith Ungol"
  7. The Lord of the Rings, The Two Towers, Book Four, Chapter VII: "Journeying to the Cross-roads"
  8. viii.0 8.1 Unfinished Tales, Part 4: II: "The Istari", Notes
  9. The Hobbit, Chapter VII: "Queer Lodgings"
  10. The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Band, Book One, Chapter IV: "A Short Cut to Mushrooms"
  11. 11.0 The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter Nineteen: "Of Beren and Lúthien"
  12. The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Band, Volume 1, Chapter Iii: "Three is Visitor"
  13. The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion
  14. 14.0 14.1 The Consummate Guide to Middle-world
  15. The Hobbit, Chapter 7: "Queer Lodgings"
  16. 16.0 16.1 The Hobbit, Chapter 8: "Flies and Spiders"
  17. The Silmarillion, Valaquenta, "Of the Valar"
  18. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies (2014)
  19. 19.0 19.ane The Silmarillion, Quenta Silmarillion, Chapter XIX: "Of Beren and Lúthien"
  20. Roverandom, Ch. 2
  21. 21.0 21.i The Lord of the Rings, The Ii Towers, Volume Iv, Chapter VI: "The Forbidden Pool"
  22. The History of Center-earth, Vol. 2: The Book of Lost Tales Part Two, I: "The Tale of Tinúviel"


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