Art Influenced by the Odyssey Art Influenced by the Battle of Trojan Horse

A deadly gift: Trojans pull the wooden horse inside the walls of Troy, unaware that warriors lie concealed withing. Information technology is i of many incidents in the Trojan state of war that received attention from ancient artists. In this case, it is a fresco from Pompeii, dating to the 1st century AD. (Image: Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli)

Many cities have fallen to subterfuge, fire, and the sword over the millennia, so why does our fascination with Troy remain so keen? Mayhap it is because Homer'due south Iliad and Odyssey have become stiff examples of the ability of words. These tales of derring-do and destructive depravity coloured the Greek, Roman, medieval, and modern worlds so vividly that they have created a richer archaeological legacy than many real events. Lesley Fitton and Victoria Donnellan led Matthew Symonds through the twists and turns of a tale that changed the world.

It is hard to say where the story started. Before Homer, that'due south for sure. The shadowy figure credited with composing the Iliad and Odyssey is generally believed to accept lived in the eighth century BC, when writing literature was still a new fad in the Greek world. We do not know whether Homer created written versions of these epics, but we tin can be certain that tales of the Trojan war were not created to capitalise on this new way of reaching audiences. Instead, the stories were much older, and had been finessed by generations of bards, who would recite the poems from memory, and doubtless tinkered with them equally they went along. Even then, the themes of love and war ran deeper still. Depictions of a city under siege or a naval taskforce appear on a Mycenaean argent vessel and a Bronze Age fresco from Thera, while echoes of source material from Anatolia and the Well-nigh East reverberate through the Homeric literature. If all of these strands needed a suitable setting to weave them together, they plant one in the Late Statuary Age Troy of c.1700-1200 BC. This sprawling urban center allowable the mouth of the Dardanelles, where the Mediterranean merges with the Black Sea, and East meets West. Information technology proved the perfect time and identify for a story of gods and mortals, fate and pick, love and hate, and the utter ruination of war.

Homer, every bit imagined in a second-century Roman copy of a Hellenistic sculpture. His weather-beaten features would be advisable for the afoot lifestyle of a bard. (Prototype: M Symonds)

Centuries later, Troy was at that place in one case again at the dawn of mod archæology, when Heinrich Schliemann – himself no stranger to mythmaking – set out on a quest to prove that Homer'southward words were grounded in genuine events. And then it was that the story became the driving force behind the rediscovery of the real-world location at the heart of the Trojan war cycle. Meanwhile the influence of the Iliad and Odyssey continues in a more or less recognisable guise in art, literature, and film correct down to today. And merely like the ancient bards, modern storytellers still refashion the cloth to suit audiences' expectations, so that almost iii,000 years of changing expectations about dearest, war, sacrifice, and heroism can exist traced like ripples through retellings of the Troy story. It could non exist more fitting, then, that a major exhibition at the British Museum has assembled a beguiling blend of aboriginal and modern materials to tease out the myth and reality of Troy.

The Iliad and Odyssey were merely two elements of a much longer epic cycle nigh the Trojan war, but they are the only segments that survive complete today. This is in big part due to the fanatical following that Homer inspired in the Classical world. His contribution came – assuming he existed at all – during what could exist thought of as a Greek renaissance, when the Hellenic world rose phoenix-like from the ashes of the Mycenaean states, which had collapsed four centuries or and then earlier. As well as providing a heroic by for various urban center states, the alliance of Achaeans – Greeks – who fought at Troy provided a handy reference for the growing sense of 'Greekness' in Homer's twenty-four hour period. If tales of Troy helped to forge a new Greek world, though, its influence on the Roman ane was even starker. The Romans traced their lineage to Aeneas, a Trojan refugee who had a bit function in the original myth, before receiving his own spin-off from the poet Virgil. The resulting Aeneid swiftly established itself every bit Rome's national epic. And where Rome went, medieval Europe followed. In the scramble to be seen as the empire's heirs, by the 12th century virtually European powers purportedly – and falsely – claimed Trojan ancestry.

The fable that launched a chiliad stories

Homer explicitly set his story in the past, and objects that would accept already seemed primitive to 8th-century Greeks litter his narrative. Mod attempts to pin down how many of the objects really existed – such as the bronze weapons or helmet made from boars' tusks he mentions – were in one case called 'Homeric archæology'. In the ancient globe, likewise, the popularity of the stories prompted a desire to visit the site where they played out. Most ancient commentators accepted that the city of Ilion, which remained occupied until the seventh century AD, was Homer'due south Troy. This identification was aided by Homer seemingly referring to the city in question as both Troy and Ilios. The reason for these 2 names remains unclear, but some accept suggested that Troy formed the overall kingdom, while Ilios was the specific urban center. If so, it would help explain why the wider region is still known equally the Troad today. Equally for the city'south Bronze Age inhabitants – the Trojans – they probably belonged to Anatolia and the milieu of the Hittite Empire. It is one of the paradoxes of the Trojan war that what became the greatest Greek myth was not set in Greece, but a far and afar land.

A relic from the existent Trojan war? This arrowhead was found at Troy, where various Mycenaean-way weapons appear in a devastation deposit dating to around 1180 BC.

For some, the only important question concerning the Trojan war is whether it happened in any form. 'This is not an original observation,' says Lesley Fitton, exhibition curator and Honorary Research Fellow in the British Museum's Department of Hellenic republic and Rome, 'as Thucydides made information technology in the 5th century BC, but Homer was a poet, not a historian. To compare the Iliad and the Odyssey to real events is to compare apples and pears. If you're trying to link a poem to history as we at present sympathize it, you've already got a large problem. You're trying to take a tradition that fits in the hinterland between history and myth, and match it against hard evidence. What would we need today to make it "historical"? The answer is solid archaeological testify in the form of material civilization, and supporting documentary evidence. So, with that as a caveat, we do not have difficult evidence for the story of the Trojan war every bit told by Homer. At that place is no independent written record of, for example, King Agamemnon.'

'Only if we wanted to expect at the issue more positively, nosotros could enquire "Well, what exercise nosotros take?". And we now know far more nigh the Late Statuary Historic period, which provides a feasible background for the Trojan war, than Heinrich Schliemann did. We as well have a much meliorate understanding of the superpowers in the eastern Mediterranean and the ways that they were armed and fought amongst themselves. This was a by and large warlike and combative society, and people were constantly undertaking major or small-scale expeditions confronting each other. Nosotros as well know quite a lot about diplomatic relations, but not as much as nosotros would like. These documents tend to come from Anatolia and the Center Due east, only not Greece, where nosotros only take documents in the Linear B script, which are inventories of goods from the then-called "palaces". Merely the documents are enough to testify that these major centres of power had a military machine dimension, so they could have mounted large expeditions.'

Love involvement

Helen is guided onto Paris' ship, her expression betraying inner misgivings, as seen on a fresco dating to the 1st century Ad from Pompeii. (Image: Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli)

'In a way,' says Victoria Donnellan, project curator in the British Museum'south Section of Hellenic republic and Rome, 'it doesn't matter whether it happened or not. There are elements of reality to the story, but its power is that it speaks to human truths and the experiences of real people, even if its heroes and heroines are fictional. That is why it has been so successful. We all know that it covers warriors and fighting, simply it is also a love story, or more accurately dearest stories. At the heart of it, of course, is Helen and Paris. Helen was married to Menelaus, earlier Aphrodite delivered her to Paris, then was she an unwilling pawn of the gods, or flirting with someone that she shouldn't have been? What she could or couldn't do about her elopement is even so a fascinating question. In the ancient story, she's pretty much the only woman who has what could pass for a happy ending, as she goes back to Sparta with Menelaus. Information technology does seem rather unconvincing to a modernistic audition that they could continue living happily together after all that had happened as a issue of Helen's relationship with Paris.'

This third-century sarcophagus from Ephesus captures the moment when Patroclus' corpse (top left) is brought earlier a despairing (seated, right). (Paradigm: Thou Symonds)

'Someone else with a beloved story is the great warrior Achilles. There was a clear idea in the ancient world that he and fellow soldier Patroclus were not just comrades in arms, only also lovers. Information technology is after Patroclus was killed past the Trojan warrior Hector that Achilles was driven into a murderous rage. In the medieval versions, there'due south a great interest in love as a motivating force, simply this item relationship was no longer highlighted, and a Trojan princess became Achilles' love interest. It's similar in the 2004 flick version, where Patroclus was firmly presented as Achilles' cousin.'

When combat erupted information technology was frequently brutal, as when Achilles slayed Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons, seen on this amphora from the 6th century BC. (Image: Trustees of the British Museum)

Such scenes – among many others in the Trojan state of war – provided plenty of scope for ancient artists. One Greek drinking cup dating to around 500 BC shows Achilles tenderly bandaging Patroclus' wounds, while around 750 years subsequently a Roman-era sarcophagus from Ephesus captures the warrior's despair at the sight of Patroclus' limp body. Meanwhile, Helen is shown reacting to her divergence with Paris in diverse ways. Often the gods catalyst her on, but one 2nd-century BC Etruscan funerary urn shows her being loaded onto Paris' ship like then much loot. Perhaps the near hitting study of Helen's feelings is provided by a fresco from Pompeii, which captures an expression riven with inner turmoil equally she is guided to the ship's gangplank. Such a scene is maybe peculiarly surprising in a Roman house, considering in Virgil's telling of the story it is the Trojans – and therefore Paris – who are the good guys. It was this switch that helps explain why and then many 12th-century European kingdoms were desperate to prove their descent from survivors fleeing what is now Turkey.

This is an extract of an article featured in issue 99 ofCurrent World Archaeology. Click here for more than information about subscribing to the mag.


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